COVID 19 filtration system Indoor outdoors Road Trip rving Self Quarantined Social Distancing Stay Safe Virus water

To say that the novel coronavirus has wreaked havoc on the global economy is like saying that the Great Depression was a minor annoyance. There is simply no way to overstate the economic impact this health crisis has exerted on businesses worldwide.

Still, we know that the commercial ramifications of COVID-19 will not last forever. While no one can predict exactly when things will return to “normal,” many experts believe that it’s a matter of months, not years. And while social distancing will likely remain in place once businesses do open en masse, it will be a relatively small price to pay to get the gears turning on the world economy again.

Of course, some industries will be better poised to recover than others. In fact, based on the nature of the industry, some may be in a position to experience a period of significant growth.

The RV industry is one of those. And when you examine the unique aspects of this market segment, it becomes crystal clear why. People are chomping at the bit to get out and about. They want to get out of the house, not just to get their medications or their groceries, but to get away. They want fresh air. But they want a safe way to do it. And RVs can provide all of that and more.

A recent article in Forbes, entitled “Will 2020 Be The Year Of RV Travel?”, lays out its thesis in a logical and convincing fashion. But this quote from early in the article perhaps best sums up the opportunity that lies ahead for the RV industry:

“Consider that millions of cooped-up Americans are eager to get out and travel. Driving will be the preferred method of transportation and self-cocooning in some sort of would seem to be one of the most will be one of the most desirable ways to travel with family or close friends.”

Let’s examine the many reasons why RV travel is set to explode in 2020 and beyond.


Social Distancing (Part 1): How long social distancing needs to continue is a matter of serious debate. Some infectious disease experts say it’s a matter of months. Conversely, a recent article on Bloomberg News cites a group of Harvard University researchers claiming that at least some level of intermittent social distancing will be needed through 2022. Airlines and trains cannot adhere to these guidelines. Then there’s the issue of the hotels or motels once you arrive at your destination. In your RV, you can travel only with family members or friends who have tested negative for the virus or have had no contact with anyone who has it. So, you not only control the traveling environment, you control the accommodations as well.

Social Distancing (Part 2): It’s not just during actual travel that social distancing is necessary; it’s also critical once you get to wherever you’re going. With an RV, you can travel to extremely remote locations where there may be almost no other visitors or, if there are, they are spread far apart.

The World Is Your Oyster: Well, maybe not the world, but at least this country. While many campgrounds and RV parks around the U.S. are closed, there are still many that are either completely or partially open. Even if you stay close to home, it’s highly likely you can find a spot that will suit your needs in terms of location, onsite and local amenities, and the spacing of the campsites, so you can maximize your social distancing efforts. The Dyrt offers a comprehensive guide to campground and state park closures in every state. Or you may just want to do some boondocking off the grid, in which case the social distancing will be even easier.

Self-Containment: RVs are the ultimate self-contained units. It’s why so many doctors and healthcare workers self-quarantined in RVs when necessary. Many are designed to be completely self-contained with generators, solar panels, and laundry facilities, allowing RVers to live off-the-grid for weeks at a time. So, you not only have everything you and your fellow travelers need, you’ve got another way to limit your contact with other people.

Indoors vs. Outdoors: After being cooped up in their homes for so long – with the occasional walk or jog outside – many people are craving the outdoors. In an RV, you open the front door and – you’re outdoors! Depending on where your RV is located, you’re likely to have spectacular views, beautiful scenery, and alluring nature scenes all around. Stepping out of the door of your hotel room will give you a great view of the lobby, but not much more.


Dip Your Toes in the Water: For those who have never gone RVing before, making a major investment in a new or even used RV can be a financially daunting endeavor. So why not rent first? There are literally hundreds of companies that rent RVs so you can start to get wet without jumping all the way in. Not only will this allow you to experience the RV life and decide if it’s right for you, you can try out several different RV’s to see which one matches your needs in terms of amenities, size, price range, and more. When it comes to RV’s, there is no need to adopt a one-size-fits-all approach. Keep searching until you find the one that checks all the boxes.

For those who were already familiar with the beauty, enjoyment, and convenience of RV travel, the aforementioned reasons will make them embrace RVing even more enthusiastically. But for those who have never tried it before – and who are feeling the itch to get out and about – the time for RVing couldn’t be better.



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